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Prepare a CSV File


Required columns​

12startCue 12 GO

Optional Columns​


Anything you would like to go in the "Notes" area of the cue.


  • 0 - No Follow
  • 1 - Auto-Continue
  • 2 - Auto-Follow

0, 1, 2 are the only options and the data must be a single number.


The color of the cue. See QLab's Color Options


The cue's target. The cue being targeted must be above the cue being created.

File Target​

The location of assets for QLab to retrieve.

Available types:

  • Full paths, e.g. /Volumes/MyDisk/path/to/some/file.wav
  • Paths beginning with a tilde, e.g. ~/path/to some/
  • Relative paths, e.g. this/is/a/relative/path.mid
  • Paths beginning with a tilde (~) will be expanded; the tilde signifies β€œrelative to the user’s home directory”.

Cue types with additional options​

Group Cues​

Group Mode​


Pre-Release - "Group Mode" is only available when run from source code.

NumberTypeNameGroup ModeNotes
G1groupGroup Cue 13This would create a timeline group cue
G2groupGroup Cue 26This would create a playlist group


  • 0 - List
  • 1 - Start first and enter
  • 2 - Start first
  • 3 - Timeline
  • 4 - Start random
  • 6 - Playlist

This is not a typo, "6" is for Playlist type.

Text Cues​


T1textText Cue 1this text will be added to the text cue

The text to enter into the text cue.

Fade Cues​

NumberTypeNameStop Target When DoneFade OpacityTarget
V1videoVideo Cue 1
F1fadeFade Cue 1false0V1
F2fadeFade Cue 2true1V1

Stop Target When Done​

This accepts either "true" or "false" to check the box for "Stop Target When Done"

Fade Opacity​

Per QLab Docs, only 0 or 1 is accepted.


Also activates the checkbox next to opacity

Video Cues​

Stage Number​

The stage number in order of the list in the "video outputs" setting


Stages are in QLab 5 only.

MIDI Cues​

NumberTypeNameMIDI Message TypeMIDI Q NumberMIDI Q ListMIDI Device IDMIDI Patch NumberMIDI Control NumberMIDI Control ValueMIDI Raw String
M1midiMIDI Voice Cue 111210
M2midiMIDI MSC Cue 2212131
M3midiMIDI SysEx Cue 331F5 02

MIDI Message Type​

  • 1 - MIDI Voice Message ("Musical MIDI")
  • 2 - MIDI Show Control Message (MSC)
  • 3 - MIDI SysEx Message

MIDI Q Number​

The number of the cue. Specific to MSC cue types.

MIDI Q List​

The Cue List for the MSC cue.

MIDI Device ID​

The Device ID of the MSC Cue

MIDI Control Number​

MIDI Control Value​

MIDI Patch Name​

The Name of the MIDI Patch

MIDI Patch Number​

The patch of the MIDI cue in order by the workspace settings. Index 1 means the first patch in the patch list in Workspace Settings.

MIDI Raw String​


Pre-Release - "MIDI Raw String" is currently only available when run from source code.

For Midi SysEx Messages

MIDI Command Format​

Reference QLab Docs

MIDI Command​

Reference QLab Docs

Network Cues​

The way network cues work is slightly different in QLab 4 vs QLab 5

QLab 5​

Network Patch Number​

The number of the network patch. Based on the list in the workspace settings. 1 is at the top, etc...

Network Patch Name​

The Name of the network patch.

Custom String​

The best way to facilitate the vast amount of commands available in QLab 5 was to use custom string. You should be able to craft desired strings easily using common spreadsheet formulas and tools.

QLab 4​


There are no plans to remove these features, but we will post here on this site if/when support for QLab 4 ends.

Message Type​

Reference QLab Docs

OSC Cue Number​

Only if using QLab Message Type


For QLab Messages, review the QLab Docs

For OSC Messages, you may now include a raw string in the column.