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Version 2024.2

Bug fix for an error with "follow" vs "Continue Mode".

Various other minor updates and fixes.

Version 2024.1

Features Added:

  • New option to adjust video opacity of fade cues.

Various other minor updates and fixes.

Version 2023.5

Bug Fixes:

  • Stop Target When Done option will now only check the box when "true". "false" or empty cell will be ignored. Issue #92
  • All color selections may not have been sent to QLab. Current colors as of 12/2023 are validated. Issue #91
  • Clear errors on consecutive run. In some cases errors continued to be displayed on second run of CSV-To-QLab

Various other minor updates and fixes.

Version 2023.4

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an error with setting "File Path" header.

New Features:

  • "Stop Target When Done" for fade cues. Either true or false.
  • "Video Stage" number.
    • If number is given, set the video stage of the specified cue to that stage. If number is 0, unpatch the specified cue. If number is greater than the number of video stages in the workspace, this message has no effect. number must be a whole number.

Known Issues:

  • Non-standard colors appear to not be accepted by qlab as of this latest release.

Fixed in v.2023.5

Version 2023.2

  • Minor updates to row headers.
  • Error handling. Response from QLab will be displayed to the user.
  • Users now choose which version of QLab they are using.
  • Added a generic "Passcode" option for QLab work spaces that are secured by a pin.
  • Network cue updates for QLab 5.
    • QLab 5 changed network cues significantly. The best use of CSV to QLab is to still do custom OSC commands rather than utilizing the new features.
    • Another option is to use CSV to QLab to import the cues, but then edit the network patch for all the network cues that are added.
      • For example, if you just need to trigger "GO" to another QLab machine and do not necessarily need to send a cue number in the OSC message.

Version 2021.1.15

  • Various Bug Fixes

  • Update to OSC handling to allow raw string for standard OSC messages

  • Update to allow "Number Prefix" column to prefix the number of cues. Ex: If you have a column already with the number of the cue, you may now add another column with "LX", and the numbers of your cues will start with LX, but will still trigger the number selected. The MIDI or OSC command will not include this prefix.

Version 2021.1.0

  • More options can be pulled from the csv file. See for more information
  • Updated function to use header:value dictionary so users do not need to be consistent with their spreadsheets empty cells in csv no longer cause errors
  • OSC messages are now sent as a bundle per-cue.
  • Names in application.spec changed to csv-to-qlab